We will try our best to make sure the products shipped to our customers are in good quality.
please contact our customer service at support@buyjammer.com to report your problem and get a solution.
1.Return and full refund
--Products with quality problem in 7 days(from the date products were received)can be returned and refund.
--Customer need to send the products back to us,When we receive the products,We will give an full refund.
--Products with quality problem in 30 days(from the date products were received)can be returned and replaced.
--Customer need to send the products back to us,When we receive the products,We will replace new ones and ship back to customer.
--We will pay shipping fee for the replaced products we ship to the customer.
--Products with quality problem in 1 year(from the date products were received)can be returned and repaired.
--Customer need to send the products back to us,When we receive the products,We will repair and ship back to customer.
--We will pay shipping fee for the repaired products we ship to the customers.
4.Return and partial refund.
--Because the international shipping fee is very high and most of pictures on buyjammer.com are taken by ourself with real products.So we do not give full refund for returns without quality problems.like"not like the picture""not as imagining"or just "not satisfied"
--We will reduce the shipping fee from the order total amount,that means a partial refund.
buyjammer.com is the specialists in cell phone Jammers and Cell Phone Signal Repeater.
We offer unparalleled professional service and advice for our personal and commercial products. 10+ years of industry experience makes us the specialists you can trust. We pioneered all kind of jammers online sales, and offer the best cellular jamming prices worldwide - guaranteed. We are a developer, manufacturer and reseller of cell phone jamming devices include GSM Jammer, CDMA jammer, DCS/PCS Jammer, GPS Jammer, WIFI Jammer, 3G Jammer,4G Jammer, Audio Jammer, Wireless Video Jammer, GSM Repeater, CDMA Repeater, DCS/PCS Repeater, GPS Repeater, WIFI Repeater, 3G Repeater, Dual Band Repeater and Tri Band Repeater etc.
R&D Group in USA
We have strong and excellent R&D group in USA, who dedicated to the research and development of our new products.We are consumer-oriented and do our best to offer satisfying products to customers.
Manufacturer in CHINA
A full line of products - We have a full line of cellular jamming products from low-cost portable units to high-spec industrial units.